Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Kiev, here we come!
So, we are now officially parents, yay !
The 2 last days were sooooo busy ! We just ran from the notary to the lawyer, to the court, to the orphanage and back.... Since it is Easter tomorrow, we had to do everything fast !
So we left at 6h00Am this morning, direction one lost city at 2 hours drive from where we are to have the birth certificate, once there, we waited and waited and waited....It was cold and humid, then finally we got it, then we went to the tax place. Crazy there too, with lots of documents to fill up, people quite angry, because they did not really want to work as tomorrow is a holiday.... Then, back to the notary ( 2 hours from there), then to the passport place, then back at the orphanage, then to the second passport place, taking a second picture of Isaac, pay, pay, pay and pay.
And went to train station twice in between in hopes to get a train ticket for today, but there are none. At least we have one for tomorrow. So tomorrow evening, we take all our 4 suitcases, we go pick up Isaac, and Georges, Natalia( translator) and myself, go on a 20 hours train trip to Kiev where we will be waiting for the passports and then the visa.
So these are pictures I took with my phone where we spent the day, passport place and birth certificate place and the <<chairs>> in the waiting room.
Nini xooxox
The 2 last days were sooooo busy ! We just ran from the notary to the lawyer, to the court, to the orphanage and back.... Since it is Easter tomorrow, we had to do everything fast !
So we left at 6h00Am this morning, direction one lost city at 2 hours drive from where we are to have the birth certificate, once there, we waited and waited and waited....It was cold and humid, then finally we got it, then we went to the tax place. Crazy there too, with lots of documents to fill up, people quite angry, because they did not really want to work as tomorrow is a holiday.... Then, back to the notary ( 2 hours from there), then to the passport place, then back at the orphanage, then to the second passport place, taking a second picture of Isaac, pay, pay, pay and pay.
And went to train station twice in between in hopes to get a train ticket for today, but there are none. At least we have one for tomorrow. So tomorrow evening, we take all our 4 suitcases, we go pick up Isaac, and Georges, Natalia( translator) and myself, go on a 20 hours train trip to Kiev where we will be waiting for the passports and then the visa.
So these are pictures I took with my phone where we spent the day, passport place and birth certificate place and the <<chairs>> in the waiting room.
Nini xooxox
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
The court and updates
The court....
We had to wait about one hour, one hour and a half, enough for us to be beyond nervous, especially since just before us, there was a trial for murder. The <<ambiance>> was a bit strange.
So, it was us, our translator, the jury, the lawyer, the prosecutor and the judge. We had to stand up and tell our name, profession, age, address, why we wanted to adopt, if we had enough income, why Ukraine and the translator told the judge what we said. So I was looking at the judge when she spoke to me and then turn to the translator, then the judge again while everybody was listening. When she said you can sit down again, I was like yay, pfiouuu !
They asked if the opposite party had comments or opposition several times, I think I stopped breathing for a second, but no, no, everybody was fine. It took about one hour and then it was done. Yay !
The adoption will be official on the 30th. Then, all the ladies took our cab to go home and we waited on the streets, giving food to all the stray dogs around. They are so nice and gentle.
But what a stressful time ! And I miss home and my doggies and I wish I could take Isaac and go already, but we are still stuck in that grey city. Easter in Ukraine is on May 5th, so now the difficulty is finding train tickets for 4. Georges, Natalia (translator) Isaac and myself. No ticket, ever. We went several times. It is not like home when you can go on the internet and reserve a place. No, no, you need to go to the train station with your cab driver. Once there, you need to call the translator, tell her what we want and then she talks to the cab driver ( Yuri) and he talks to the lady at the train station. They she replies something and then we need to call the translator again to know what is going on.
The trick is, the day after the adoption is official, we need to take all the papers and drive 2 hours to the city where Isaac was born to have some other papers and then go to the notary and some other places, so to go and back, it is already 4 hours. But we need to go fast as the 30, offices close early and on the 1, 2,3 til Easter offices are closed. And we want to leave that city with our son to go to Kiev in order to request the visa.
So we took a leap of faith and found a train ticket for May 1st. I hope that we will be on that train, if not, we will need to stay here one more week and that idea is upsetting.
We communicate very well with Isaac, he is a child, so he gets upset. Today he got upset because he wanted cookies and not a banana, but well, I did not have cookies. He made a scene for 45 mn. Well, he cannot have everything he wants at the second he wants, but he is trying.
My neck is still stuck because of my displaced vertebrae, but I try my best to keep going.
Thank you, as always for reading and for being there,
Nini xoxoxo
We had to wait about one hour, one hour and a half, enough for us to be beyond nervous, especially since just before us, there was a trial for murder. The <<ambiance>> was a bit strange.
So, it was us, our translator, the jury, the lawyer, the prosecutor and the judge. We had to stand up and tell our name, profession, age, address, why we wanted to adopt, if we had enough income, why Ukraine and the translator told the judge what we said. So I was looking at the judge when she spoke to me and then turn to the translator, then the judge again while everybody was listening. When she said you can sit down again, I was like yay, pfiouuu !
They asked if the opposite party had comments or opposition several times, I think I stopped breathing for a second, but no, no, everybody was fine. It took about one hour and then it was done. Yay !
The adoption will be official on the 30th. Then, all the ladies took our cab to go home and we waited on the streets, giving food to all the stray dogs around. They are so nice and gentle.
But what a stressful time ! And I miss home and my doggies and I wish I could take Isaac and go already, but we are still stuck in that grey city. Easter in Ukraine is on May 5th, so now the difficulty is finding train tickets for 4. Georges, Natalia (translator) Isaac and myself. No ticket, ever. We went several times. It is not like home when you can go on the internet and reserve a place. No, no, you need to go to the train station with your cab driver. Once there, you need to call the translator, tell her what we want and then she talks to the cab driver ( Yuri) and he talks to the lady at the train station. They she replies something and then we need to call the translator again to know what is going on.
The trick is, the day after the adoption is official, we need to take all the papers and drive 2 hours to the city where Isaac was born to have some other papers and then go to the notary and some other places, so to go and back, it is already 4 hours. But we need to go fast as the 30, offices close early and on the 1, 2,3 til Easter offices are closed. And we want to leave that city with our son to go to Kiev in order to request the visa.
So we took a leap of faith and found a train ticket for May 1st. I hope that we will be on that train, if not, we will need to stay here one more week and that idea is upsetting.
We communicate very well with Isaac, he is a child, so he gets upset. Today he got upset because he wanted cookies and not a banana, but well, I did not have cookies. He made a scene for 45 mn. Well, he cannot have everything he wants at the second he wants, but he is trying.
My neck is still stuck because of my displaced vertebrae, but I try my best to keep going.
Thank you, as always for reading and for being there,
Nini xoxoxo
Friday, 19 April 2013
We are parents !
I will write more details later, but the court went well and we are parents !
I hurt my neck, so right now difficult for me to write more, but on the 30th, we will have the final papers from the court. The judge said yes, the jury said yes and we are now the proud parents of Isaac, our beautiful little boy !
More to come soon !
Nini xoxoxoxo
I hurt my neck, so right now difficult for me to write more, but on the 30th, we will have the final papers from the court. The judge said yes, the jury said yes and we are now the proud parents of Isaac, our beautiful little boy !
More to come soon !
Nini xoxoxoxo
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Court day, April 19th, confirmed
Yay, we are going to court on the 19th !
The orphanage is starting to prepare our boy for the transition and we are trying too, but as you can imagine this is a big, big change and therefore, he is confused and acting out.
He is 6 years old, so, some things he understand and some he does not. We will give him everything he needs to make this transition from the home (orphanage) he always knew to a new life, the most easy possible, but for sure and we can already see it, lots of challenges to come ! But we love him and we will do everything for him to feel safe and loved, because this is why we came to Ukraine. To find our child and we believe and know that, indeed, we did find him.
The orphanage is starting to prepare our boy for the transition and we are trying too, but as you can imagine this is a big, big change and therefore, he is confused and acting out.
He is 6 years old, so, some things he understand and some he does not. We will give him everything he needs to make this transition from the home (orphanage) he always knew to a new life, the most easy possible, but for sure and we can already see it, lots of challenges to come ! But we love him and we will do everything for him to feel safe and loved, because this is why we came to Ukraine. To find our child and we believe and know that, indeed, we did find him.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Lugansk, part II from Georges' eyes and comments
Still here... Videos to give you an idea of where we live....
Monday, 15 April 2013
No heat !
So, it is not really spring here, but someone decided to cut the heat
off. During the day it is not so bad, but right now ( it is 7h40PM), we
are freeeeeeeeeeezing !
I have the hair dryer on, so I am not totally freezing and yesterday, I had my coat on inside. Just thinking that we are stuck here minimum 3 more weeks, I want to go hide !!!!
I am hoping that the date does not change for Friday, I have no confirmation yet, but I am hoping !!!!!
I have the hair dryer on, so I am not totally freezing and yesterday, I had my coat on inside. Just thinking that we are stuck here minimum 3 more weeks, I want to go hide !!!!
I am hoping that the date does not change for Friday, I have no confirmation yet, but I am hoping !!!!!
Saturday, 13 April 2013
A little bit of sun!
Yes, for once, not to cold and wow, we saw the sun ! Incredible !
So, quick a few pictures ! We went to the grocery store and for that we need to walk about 45 mn, so it is a good little walk. Tomorrow it is going to rain all day, so we will go to the orphanage later, or the day is very, very long.
We searched for batteries all day long, finally found 2, victory !
I spoke to Natalia, our translator and for now, still set for 19th April. I so want to have confirmation, but not yet. She wants it too as we need to reserve a train ticket so she can come back for the court. So if everything goes as plan, we will be staying here for 3 more weeks before going back to Kiev. Pffffiou, we will need some patience. Lets hope the court date does not change.
So, quick a few pictures ! We went to the grocery store and for that we need to walk about 45 mn, so it is a good little walk. Tomorrow it is going to rain all day, so we will go to the orphanage later, or the day is very, very long.
We searched for batteries all day long, finally found 2, victory !
I spoke to Natalia, our translator and for now, still set for 19th April. I so want to have confirmation, but not yet. She wants it too as we need to reserve a train ticket so she can come back for the court. So if everything goes as plan, we will be staying here for 3 more weeks before going back to Kiev. Pffffiou, we will need some patience. Lets hope the court date does not change.
Friday, 12 April 2013
One week from today
One week and we should go to court, and then if everything goes well, it is another 10 business day ( Ukraine Law) and I will be his mommy and Georgy will be his daddy. Officially.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Stairs...13 flights...
It is still cold and the children were in a very bad mood, I don't know why. They were upset and trowing things and screaming...
And oh surprise, when we came back, no elevator ! 13 flights in that dark, scary staircases... Yuck...With both of us having a cold, it was lovely... I hope this elevator of hell will be repaired soon, because this is no fun !!!
Here are a few pictures, so you can <<feel>> the atmosphere ah ah ha!
And oh surprise, when we came back, no elevator ! 13 flights in that dark, scary staircases... Yuck...With both of us having a cold, it was lovely... I hope this elevator of hell will be repaired soon, because this is no fun !!!
Here are a few pictures, so you can <<feel>> the atmosphere ah ah ha!
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
puzzle not complete
So we arrived to the orphanage today, but not little boy ! The children
explained where he was, but we did not understand, then 2 BIG WOMEN
arrived and started to talk, again, no idea what they were saying, so
they just went back to sit and watch TV. Well, well, well, we just
walked around the orphanage until we found a lady who spoke a little
English and she went to check and told us that he was at the doctor for
his shots. Where was he coming back, no idea. Our taxi had gone, so we
were stuck. So we waited. Finally another girl came by and told us that
he will be coming in 30 - 45mn.
Finally he arrived and went to change, he was so happy cause we bought him a new puzzle. After much effort, his banana, his juice and etc. The puzzle was missing the 2 final pieces. That was a new one, nobody ever played with it and it was missing pieces ! Shame ! He was so disappointed, but a balloon and a lollipop made him forget his deception !
They could at least put ALL the pieces in the puzzle pfffff !
Okay, later ! xoxoxo
Finally he arrived and went to change, he was so happy cause we bought him a new puzzle. After much effort, his banana, his juice and etc. The puzzle was missing the 2 final pieces. That was a new one, nobody ever played with it and it was missing pieces ! Shame ! He was so disappointed, but a balloon and a lollipop made him forget his deception !
They could at least put ALL the pieces in the puzzle pfffff !
Okay, later ! xoxoxo
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Spring in Ukraine ?
I think not... So this is me this morning, waiting for the car to go see my little man and these are the streets... It is cold, and the rain is freezing... Blahhhh
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