Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Once you are back...

It is not the end... In Canada, you need to go to court, so the court will recognized the adoption that took place outside of the country. (International adoption) so you will need a lawyer to have all the documents legalized, you will need to bring everything in court, and once everything is in order, they will set a date for you.
Once you have your date, you will have to go to court with your child and in presence of the lawyer, the judge and the witness, you will need to talk about your child and answer any questions the court may have.
Then, you will need to wait one more month in order to have the judgement. Once you have all that, you will be able to request his new certificate and all his new papers giving him the same rights as any Canadian children. So, still lots to do, but the best present of all, is that you have your child with you and you have him forever.

I am getting big and I am a happy little boy and the light of my parent's life