Sunday, 31 March 2013

For now...

We are just running around and I will write when I have something concrete to say, please continue to send good thoughts!
I am sick, some kind of flu, apparently all the families go through that as it is so emotional.  And the fact that we are in constant movement is exhausting.  These are pictures taken outside... Not the most beautiful place...We are in a city called Luhans'k, it is not really pretty,  but that is where we need to be for now. Funny thing is that we are starting to understand Russian ! And a picture of my coffee with a little cat :)

Friday, 29 March 2013

Little cat

in front of the building we live in, waiting for the taxi this morning

difficult but good day today

Super busy, super stressful , but good day, to tired to write more today, but happy this day is over.
Thank you for all the good thoughts !
Hugs, good night !

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Nothing else to report right now. Please send positive thoughts, so we can bring back our child.  Looking a bit bleak right now.
For now, stressed and very tired, both emotionally and physically.
In the mean time, few pictures of the Horrible 20 hours train we took, very old, very dirty, blahhhh, but we managed to have a few good laughs anyways and the place where we are right now.


Yes that is the window of the train

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Hurry up.. WAIT ! Hurry up... WAIT !

Well, we are ready to go, but are we going, that is the question...Do we have tickets ? We don't know.
We bought food for the train for the translator who will travel and live with us and for ourselves. But, are we going today ? We don't know.

We packed the suitcases, well one for some reason, is not closing ha ha, I will have to sit on it or something.  All we know is that we need to go to the adoption department in order to have a a paper who will give us permission to travel there at 4h00. 4h00 means... 4h30 or 5h30 ? We don't know. It depends when the director will be able to sign the document. And that is why we are missing the ''modern'' train at 5h00PM and will end up on the old one who takes 20 hours to go across the Ukraine next to Russia.

So, in a way they told us, fast, fast, fast, go pack and be ready and then... Nothing. Silence. Wait.  Let's all  OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM together.

I think we can say that we are in ''stand by''.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


So we found a little boy. We need to go there and see what can be done. I will write more infos later. It is at the border with Russia. It can work, but again, it can NOT work. But we have to try.
We had the RV at 9h00AM, but had to wait in the stairs until past 10h00AM.  It was really confusing with people screaming and yelling in Russian. Well, we will take our chances and go visit the child. It is 20 hours trip by train and it is a really old train without toilet. OMG ! For now, no room in the train, we are waiting for some room in order to go. More later.
And pictures of early this morning when we went to the RV. It is still freeeeezing cold !

Xenia, our contact and the translator Sveltana

Xenia, our contact and the translator Sveltana

Xenia, our contact and the translator Sveltana