Thursday 1 November 2012

where is that freaking document ?

Important documents to have...

In order to be able to go forward you need to have (and I am writing this in French as all that was for Quebec, therefore in French).

(Prior to that, you will need to open a file (the adoption agency will help))

  • Interpol
  • Certificat de propriété (exactement comme dans l'exemple fourni par l'agence)
  • Demande d'adoption
  • Certificat médical (signé et daté par le docteur) ( you will need blood tests)
  • Certificat de police
  • Certificat de mariage (en double, originaux)
  • Consentement (en double, originaux)
  • Lettre d'engagement (en double, originaux)
  • Carte des médecins (très important avec la date de début et fin)
  • Procuration (en double, originaux)
  • Lettre d'emploi (avec le salaire des 6 derniers mois, l'original)
  • Les divers documents de l'assistante sociale et son rapport en 3 exemplaires originaux
  • Passeports et carte de citoyenneté
  • Commencer les démarches pour demander la citoyenneté de ou des
    enfants qui seront adoptés.
  • Frais... Re-Frais... Tout le temps des frais, pour tout.
Don't mix these with what the social worker will request from you, because they are different documents. I thought there were the same, but they are not. You will have to have another medical certificate, letters from people who will tell that you are fit to be a good parents..
The social worker will come to your home to talk to both of you. Visit your house.
She will see you, then your husband at her office, then both of you, she-he will ask you tons of questions, questions that you will not be comfortable to respond, for hours and hours...And she will then decide if you are fit to be parents for one or 2 or more, depending on what you want, what you can provide, your temper, your abilities etc.

Before starting the interviews you will need to fill up several documents with a lot of questions.

We were approved for 1 or 2 children, from 0 to 7 years old. It was long and it was stressful. Lots of doubts, lots of stress. To have and process all these documents took approximately 7 months.

Right now, we do not have to provide anything else, as we are in ''stand by''. So, we are waiting. Something you will have to do a lot.

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